This project (2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

SDG Development Educ Masters

Limerick Institute of Technology
Web Site
Paul Keating.
Thematic Area
Factual description
See: Game Changers | Trócaire (

Project: Collaborative research Project engaging Young people in Development Education.

This project was designed and builds on Paul Keatings research into the role of Games in creating awareness, engaging students and young people in learning about complex issues in this instance Development Education.

The project at a later stage of development was adopted by Trociare and the programme now forms part of Trócaire’s Youth Development Education Programme which engages young people (15-25 years), their youth leaders and volunteers through a process of interaction, reflection and action.

The aim of the project is to facilitate participants to make connections between their own lives and international social justice issues, and be empowered to make a positive difference in the world. The mechanism of engagement is through creating a game to facilitate active learning by participants.

It facilitates young people to engage with the complex issue of development education ad also facilitates them in taking autonomous decisions on what to include in the game as it is created.

Underpinning this project is an understanding of Game creation theory eg: application of ‘blue sky theory, Dynamic driven design eg use of mechanisms such as ‘Skinning’
Relevance in complex systems
Understanding the complex issues which underpin Development education including: Limited resources, population structures, geographical, environmental and political issues is challenging. Understanding how each action creates complex reactions can seem a daunting and complex issue to attempt to understanding Finding a tool which facilitates understanding at an entry level and then builds in dynamic change facilitates the development of learning over the engagement period. The key is that the participants are creating the ‘game’ and in doing so are researching, learning and beginning to understand the complexity of the system.

Most importantly they continue to engage because it is fun.
Strong points
The engagement of the participants through fun.

The possibilities of creating complex games which engage participants.

The facilitation of learning through the tools that YP are familiar with.

The possibilities of group interaction.
Transferability potential
The concept are transferable and Paul has been developing these tools and frameworks and has become expert in its possibilities and engagement potential.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License