This project (2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Internet of Things

Position in the company
Head of IoT Academy
Economical or Societal Sector
Economical sector
When hiring employees, the company tries to make sure that their values agree with the values of the organization - mutual trust, respect and help. Only by fostering these values the company has been able to grow successfully and become sustainable and socially responsible. The employees promote the growth and development of the Teltonika group by cooperation with each other. That is why all employees are working together to achieve the goals of sustainable development and to change what depends on them. There are some examples of achieving the SDGs below.
Above all, Teltonika is an innovation and high-tech company. The innovative devices help people from all areas. The belief is that high technology can really improve the quality of life and change the world. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania, the company launched an initiative for Lithuania, the aim of which is to produce artificial lung ventilation devices available to all medical institutions, which could save as many lives as possible not only in Lithuania but also in other countries. This machine is currently certified. Another example of sustainable development is the academies. Students at Teltonika's IoT and B2B academies have free access to practical engineering, programming, sales and marketing knowledge that they can apply later in life and at work. Students are supervised by company professionals, and the tasks performed solve real problems. In addition, Teltonika closely works with universities and colleges together to improve the quality of science, develop research and care for future generations. One of the fruits of this cooperation is the Teltonika Scholarship Program, which allows the most talented first-year technology graduates to receive an annual scholarship of 3,000 € without any commitment. In this way, the company aims to encourage young people to choose higher education and to take an interest in the latest technologies that help people. A particularly important aspect of Teltonika's business is value-creating jobs. Employees are the core value of the company. As employees grow and improve, so does the entire organization, which means opportunities to do better work for customers, society, and the world. Therefore, the employees are offered not only interesting projects, work in a culture of mutual trust and respect, but also one of the highest salaries in Lithuania. Undoubtedly, one of the most relevant topics now is the maintenance of a sustainable environment and ecological issues. For many years now, the company has been taking care of the environment and taking certain steps to create a sustainable environment. Teltonika is successfully developing environmental processes based on ISO 14001 standards, recycling about 90 percent of the generated waste, carefully selecting component suppliers, reducing paper waste and already replacing all device packaging in recycled boxes.
The group of companies follows Adizes methodology and holistic approach in performing tasks and making decisions. Each member of the team is a socially responsible person, and decisions are made by expert staff. In this way, mutual trust is maintained in the organization to achieve common goals. There is no shortage of challenges in the organization, but with proper education, helping employees to acquire more qualifications - all challenges are solved and projects are implemented. Since hiring at Teltonika, employees have known that the goal of the products they develop is to help people and solve a variety of problems, ensuring their sustainable production and long-term use. The consumer policies are not promoted, so the products are not easily destroyed and have a long service life. Another very important aspect is energy consumption. Teltonika’s engineers are aware of the importance of sustainable development, ensuring that products use as little energy as possible by selecting environmentally friendly components and applying the latest technologies.
During the 23 years of operation of the company, Teltonika has grown a lot of good specialists, professionals in various fields, from engineering to management. The interviewee states that just graduating from higher education is not enough, just as experience alone is not enough. It is very important to develop young people's creative powers, provide general knowledge and encourage them to take an interest in the processes taking place around them. Within the company, employees are encouraged to reveal their potential and diverse personalities. However, the contribution of higher education institutions to the development of such a personality is necessary. They should help young people to develop problem-solving skills, develop sustainable thinking and stimulate interest in the principles of sustainable development. The company will help them to apply their knowledge and skills, to grow and improve, considering a person learns all his life.
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