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Promoting systems thinking using project-and problem-based learning

Partners' Institution
Ionian University
Nagarajan, S., & Overton, T. (2019). Promoting systems thinking using project-and problem-based learning. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(12), 2901-2909.
Thematic Area
Systems thinking-Theoretical framework and assessment
This is a review paper that summarizes key research studies about project- and problem-based learning in the context of enabling learners to face global problems and the wide applicability of these approaches to systems thinking.
Authors conclude that system thinking skills may be described as (a) “forest thinking” (understanding the behavior of the system as a whole), (b) “closed-loop thinking” (considering the effect of system-relevant variables on each other), and (c) “system-as-cause thinking” (evaluating internal causes of the system’s behavior). “Operational thinking” (identify variables which influence a system’s behavior and its changes), “quantitative thinking”, “scientific thinking”, and “dynamic thinking” are also described as other important skills. Authors also argue for pedagogies supporting systems thinking rely on applying scientific principles to solve real-world problems and prepare students for collaborative interdisciplinary work. Both problem-based learning and project-based learning have the potential to align with systems thinking by choosing a globally relevant project/problem and requiring students to utilize scientific methods to solve this.
Moreover, this paper summarizes recent studies in chemistry education which have utilized problem and project-based learning approaches as tools to educate students on global issues and sustainability, thereby enabling the incorporation of a systems approach into teaching and learning. These implementations of problem and project-based learning approaches focus on the alignment to systems thinking in introductory chemistry, general chemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, forensic chemistry, instrumental chemistry, and biochemistry.
In conclusion, authors do not suggest that a systems thinking approach should replace the traditional approaches but it can complement other approaches. They support that problem and project-based learning approaches mimic challenges students will experience in real-life and can showcase the interconnectedness between systems. Hence, both these approaches can connect to systems thinking with the goal of empowering our future citizens to meet the challenges of the upcoming century.
Relevance for Complex Systems Knowledge
This is paper deals with the concepts interdisciplinarity, systems thinking, and sustainable development.
“interdisciplinarity”: Authors claim that the systems thinking approach seeks to develop an understanding of interconnections among physical, biological, and environmental systems, and that the understanding of the interdisciplinary and connective nature of these systems is crucial to solving several global problems. They also argue for pedagogies which support that systems thinking prepares students for collaborative interdisciplinary work. Both PjBL and PBL pedagogies are reviewed in this paper, since they both contribute to the systems thinking approach by allowing educators to design real-world problems and projects based on global challenges and engage learners in interdisciplinary learning.
Finally, authors give some examples of disciplines (e.g. forensic science, pharmacy) that require competency in more than one science disciplines (e.g. chemistry, physics and biology). Since it is well-accepted that interdisciplinary approaches to research are required to solve problems at both global and local levels, young chemists seeking to enter the workforce must possess experience working in interdisciplinary projects and acquire analytical and experimental skills necessary to solve emerging problems.
“systems thinking”: The paper notes that the systems thinking approach seeks to extend student learning beyond chemical concepts and theories to develop an understanding of interconnections among physical, biological, and environmental systems. Authors purposed as a good definition of systems thinking “the ability to visualize the interconnections and relationships between parts of a system” and they summarize the systems thinking attributes (STA) based on previous work as students ability to (a) identify components of a system and processes within the system; (b) identify dynamic relationships within the system; (c) identify relationships among system components; (d) organize the systems’ components and processes within a framework of relationships; (e) understand the cyclic nature of the system; (f) make generalizations; (g) understand the hidden dimensions of the system; (h) think temporally, retrospect, collaborate, and make predictions.
“sustainable development”: Authors claim that systems thinking emphasizes the need to provide students with requisite knowledge and skills that will help them contribute to sustainable development and that a key part of sustainability is educating students on the principles and importance of green chemistry, circular economy, recycling, and life cycle analysis. They also report examples of teaching exercises and activities around sustainable development and green chemistry using problem and project-based learning approaches.
Point of Strength
The strength of this paper lies to the fact that it brings out the connections of pedagogies like problem and project-based learning approaches with the development of systems thinking in the context of sustainable development.
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