This project (2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Air pollution/Gas pollution Treatment Technologies

Ionian University, Department of Environment
Syllabus, Lecture, Practicum
Thematic Area
Technology, Natural Sciences
Factual description
A course entitled “Air pollution/Gas pollution Treatment Technologies” has been selected to be examined since it is relevant to COSY.
The aim of the course is to study air pollution. The atmosphere is a complex and dynamic system. Atmospheric air moves around the world and so do the pollutants it contains. Students are introduced to the effects of air pollution on humans, flora, fauna and climatic conditions. The aim is to deepen into the atmospheric processes, reactions and interactions of gaseous pollutants and to understand the technologies for the treatment of gaseous pollutants as well as the technologies for the treatment of emissions of particulate pollutants, as well as alternative anti-pollution technologies. The course has α theoretical as well as practical part (laboratory). In the theoretical part, students learn the basic principles of air pollution through lectures. In the laboratory they are trained in methods of analysis (determination and identification) of gaseous and particulate pollutants. Part of the laboratory course is the realization of group work on scientific articles per thematic unit, which they must present. Through group work, students have the opportunity to understand the complexity of the atmosphere, the processes that take place in it, the transport and dispersion of gaseous pollutants and to get in touch with modern research related to air pollution. In the context of presentations of these works they can discuss and compare their data with each other. In this way students can better understand the complexity of air pollution.
The teaching approach used is mainly inter-disciplinary since the subject of air pollution is taught by taking into account the basic principles of different sciences i.e. chemistry, physics, statistics, economics and political sciences.
The control of air pollution and the environment in general and the methods of dealing with it are inextricably linked to ethical issues. Students are introduced from the beginning of the course to the idea that different potential ethical challenges may arise that need to be considered when working on air pollution issues. The moral dimension is addressed many times during the course, mainly through the presentations in the laboratory part of the course.
According to the interviewee, systems thinking is a required attribute/skill for a student of an environmental science department and future employee.
Relevance in complex systems
The correlation between sustainable development and air pollution is complex. Environmental, economic, social, cultural, ethical, political, scientific and technological issues are involved.
Strong points
The strong point of this interview is that it presents that sustainability, system thinking and ethical dimension are inextricably linked.
Transferability potential
The approach of group work on scientific articles and presentation and discussion of them can easily be transferred to other courses and according to the interviewee contributes positively on systems thinking.
Creative Commons License
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