1. What are the main criteria by which it selects personnel in sectors and tasks related to sustainable development? The selection criteria used in the choice of candidates do not disregard having empathic sensitivity towards others and environmental issues.
2. How do you perceive the challenge of integrating the 17 Sustainability Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations into your range of activities? It is a necessity to build a future in which we must come to the awareness of being tiny interpreters of some of these activities, rather than spectators.
3. Could you provide examples of activities (in your Company) that require or would require the application of holistic or systemic thinking? Our Company has promoted an initiative for Christmas 2020 to give up sending Christmas gadgets to customers to encourage reforestation in Amazonia.
4. What challenges do you pose to your employees concerning sustainable development? And what are the challenges that your employees pose about their work in the field of sustainable development? I propose to my collaborators every day to improve the approach they have towards the environment that has been given to them and which they will, in turn, leave. It is crucial to understand how a balance can be respected even in the daily gesture. In turn, my collaborators every year propose business initiatives to improve the aid of some activities linked to sustainable development, which are easily accessible.
5. In your opinion, how can a better understanding of complex systems help to complete the actions aimed at sustainability? Knowing complex systems means understanding their essence and therefore developing that sensitivity that inevitably leads to action.
6. Based on your experience with recent graduates, what are the knowledge and skills in handling complex issues? What are the abilities to apply systemic thinking to problem-solving? From our experiences, the skills are little more than approached; the ability to approach problem-solving with systemic thinking is still not very sensitized because it is strongly anchored to old approach systems.
8. Your entrepreneurial history is strongly linked to a holistic view of the universe. Would you please give us a definition that could inspire future generations to embrace this new way of approaching science and development fully? Taking into consideration the sector in which we operate that of human resources, every reality that works in different parts of the territory must take into account a single code of ethics, respect for the person, and the reflection that the resource, in turn, will bring to the Company, which it will operate, as if it were the flag of the values on which the Company is founded: Respect, professionalism, fairness, emotional sensitivity.
9. What advice would you like to give to those who intend (like us) to promote the culture of systemic thinking and complexity, introducing it into current academic paths? What requests would you make, as an entrepreneur, thinking about the formation of new culturally "generalist" figures available to the business world? I would ask you to focus intensely on training figures, especially in the academic field, capable of approaching complex thinking or moving away from a strictly linear thought.