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Artificial intelligence: a destructive and yet creative force in the skilled labour market

Partners' Institution
Kauno technologijos universitetas
Su, Z., Togay, G., Côté, A.-M., 2020. Artificial intelligence: a destructive and yet creative force in the skilled labour market. Human Resource Development International 1–12.
Thematic Area
Artificial intelligence (computer science and mathematics)
The article focuses on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions on the labour market. The authors discuss the new jobs created as a result of AI development and the skills required in them. Besides the jobs related to creating the AI-based solutions, data mining, and information technologies, the role of spin-off jobs such as managers and communication specialists in the field of AI is covered. Moreover, the authors describe the limitations of AI solutions, such as adaptation to constantly changing and unstructured environment, lack of understanding in the final purpose and emotional intelligence. The human-machine interactions are illustrated by several examples on how the AI can enhance the human expertise to achieve the best results. It is concluded that AI changed the tasks related to the jobs and therefore some repetitive jobs tend to be performed automatically by the robots. The authors finalize the article by discussing variety of AI solutions that occurred because of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Relevance for Complex Systems Knowledge
The authors provide a discussion on how application of artificial intelligence(AI) changed the labour marker, its limitations and advantages. The authors mention that although the AI is a great tool in performing repetitive and imitable jobs such as pattern recognition, natural language processing and computer aided vision, the AI methods still lack managerial or social skills, critical and systems thinking, ability to analyze, synthesize and transfer knowledge. They also emphasize that despite the understanding how complex systems work, the AI is not yet capable to understand the purpose of the actions. Another point is that the popularity of AI applications created jobs for data analytics and AI developers who must have combined knowledge of AI and application area.
Point of Strength
The point of strength of this article is the discussion on limitations of artificial intelligence (AI) in labour market. The authors state that application of AI creates new jobs related to its development. In addition, some jobs which require abstract thinking, ability to synthesize, analyze and methods of AI cannot match these requirements yet.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License