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Embracing Digitalization: Student Learning and New Technologies

Partners' Institution
Kauno technologijos universitetas
Crittenden, W.F., Biel, I.K., Lovely, W.A., 2019. Embracing Digitalization: Student Learning and New Technologies. Journal of Marketing Education 41, 5–14.
Thematic Area
Artificial intelligence (computer science and mathematics)
An overview of emerging digital technologies and their link to learning theory and marketing environment is provided in this paper. The authors discuss emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, internet of thing, and others. The overview focuses on the digital environment aimed at the problems relevant to business and marketing students. The authors emphasize the importance of digital technologies to provide interactive activities, enrich learning experiences, and develop critical thinking, creativity, integrative learning skills. In addition, they present the future perspectives of digital technologies in the education field and teaching style. The changes to fit the learning model according to the digital applications in order to engage students in the learning process are recommended.
Relevance for Complex Systems Knowledge
The authors describe the role of digitalization in education process, particularly in marketing courses. The digitalization tools such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, blockchain technology, robotics, machine learning, internet of things, etc. can be used in teaching and learning various subjects. They can be applied to organize data and determine causal relations, to model or build prototypes of interconnected devices and systems, to get simulation-like experience, etc. Moreover, the authors state that employment of tools which are used in practice, application of gamification or virtual reality increase students’ motivation to learn the subject. In addition, students develop self-control, critical thinking and system thinking skills while using digital tools. In general, digitalization is important in education process for students to become employees of 21st century where machines are important part of problem-solving process.
Point of Strength
The point of strength of this article is a thoughtful explanation, why digitalization is important in the education process. The idea is that students should transform to employees with high critical thinking, creativity and reasoning skills which are necessary in a world where machines work alongside with humans.
Creative Commons License
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