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Systems Thinking: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis

Partners' Institution
University of Perugia
Hossain, N.U.I., Dayarathna, V.L., Nagahi, M., Jaradat, R., 2020. Systems Thinking: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Systems 8, 23.
Thematic Area
Chemistry/Biology, Systems thinking-Theoretical framework and assessment
Systems thinking is an interdisciplinary tool useful for understanding and describing complex systems and their behaviors. From the analysis of the most recent literature, two critical aspects emerge in this sense: how to conduct impactful research and publications and how to understand trends and their evolution over time in the field of system thinking.
This paper reviews 626 selected articles (based on impact and relevance) out of nearly 6,000 publications that have appeared over the past 30 years. Through a rigorous use of bibliometric parameters, this work highlights the most influential authors in the domain of systems thinking, the major research areas and the topics of greatest interest.
This work intends to be a source of inspiration for all those working in the study of complex systems and applying systems thinking.
Relevance for Complex Systems Knowledge
Is cited a unified definition of systems thinking that can be considered as a good approach to the analysis of a complex system. It consists in eight point: 1), recognition of the interconnections,2) identification and comprehension of the feedback, 3) definition and understanding of the system structure, 4) differentiation of types of stocks, flows and variables, 5) identification and understanding of the nonlinear relationships, 6) understanding of the dynamic behavior, 7) reduce complexity by modeling systems conceptually, 8) understanding systems at different scales.
Point of Strength
This work provides an analysis of the research trends and themes in the field of systems thinking. From this study emerged researches can be clustered in 4 group but generally all these topics are still under fast development with theories and concepts that are not still completely defined and universally recognized. Can be evidenced different schools of thought and perspectives, but also different tools and techniques not completely and enterally accepted or validated. Furthermore, new system thinking applications are still emerging especially as a consequence of the use across different disciplines.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License