This project (2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Embodying our future through collaboration: The change is in the doing

Partners' Institution
Södertörn University
Palmer, M., White, P., Wooltorton, S., 2018. Embodying our future through collaboration: The change is in the doing. The Journal of Environmental Education 49, 309–317.
Thematic Area
Development studies
Contributors to this special edition have agreed that we want a future of ecojustice and ecological sustainability. Our article unpacks experiences of oppression within the context of middle class academic privilege, undertaking resistances and working, in relationship, learning to live more sustainably in the Year of Living Sustainably. In this writing, we argue the case for activism in the academy and collaboratively build resilience toward more sustainable ways of being. By co-writing and analyzing fictionalized stories, we demonstrate how contemporary universities contribute to the unsustainability of social and ecological systems. This article presents a love story grounded in poststructural ecofeminist epistemology using collaborative autoethnography. Rather than re-presenting a heroic masculinist narrative of transcendence and success, we describe how our loving relationships support our activism.
Relevance for Complex Systems Knowledge
The article brings up the problematic of wirk as transformative, acitivist, environmental educators in an academic word from a feminist perspective. Two findings are that emotions must be considered when working on ecojustice issues and that critical reflection needs to be combined with action., This relates to the experiences of Ray Ison when using systems thinking in participatory action research.

The article connects poststructuralism and ecofeminism with systems thinking by introducing autoethnography as a method to understand complexity of socio-ecological transformations. The method includes reflections and writings on the doings in our everyday practices. These are then discussed an analyzed in meetings and theories are built on the analysis. The approach considers the complexity of issues.
Point of Strength
There are methodological issues valuable to participatory practices in research.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License