This project (2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Circular Economy

Admission Requirements
Basic understanding of economics

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes:


  • Explain methodology to assess socio-economic-financial-technological-energy impact of circular economy.
  • Describe the concept and principles of circular economy, including the transition from linear to circular model and sustainable development policy
  • Describe the main principles and functioning conditions of circular economy and business models.
  • Discuss national, regional, and market funding opportunities, financial and non-financial instruments.


  • Design the strategy to move business towards circular economy and determine possible obstacles that prevent it.
  • Use circular business performance measurement and reporting systems.
  • Analyze value-added chain and provide recommendations to improve its sustainability.


  • Critically assess the role of circular economy in sustainability progress
  • Critically review the circular economy decisions at individual, organizational, city and state levels that lead to the implementation of sustainable development goals.
  • Critically evaluate the impact of a circular economy on an individual, company, industry, and national economy.

Sustainable development policy and SDG‘s. Circular economy concept and principles; Circular economy methods and decisions at individual, organizational, city and state levels that lead to sustainable dev; Circular economy strategies and business models; Circular business performance measurement and value-added chain; Tax, financial and non-financial reporting for circular economy; Methodology of socio-economic-financial-technological-energy impact assessment of circular economy; The country's tax system and the circular economy; National, regional and market funding opportunities and financial and non-financial instruments; Circular economy communication

  • Webster, Ken. (2017). The circular economy: a wealth of flows (2nd ed.). Cowes, Isle of Wight: Ellen MacArthur Foundation Publishing
  • Schulze, G. (2016). Growth Within: A Circular Economy Vision For A Competitive Europe.
  • DeAngelis, Roberta (2018). Business models in the circular economy : concepts, examples and theory. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Sillanpää, Mika (2019). The circular economy : case studies about the transition from the linear economy. London : Elsevier
  • Weetman, Catherine (2017). A circular economy handbook for business and supply chains : repair, remake, redesign, rethink. London : KoganPage
  • Geyer, R. (2021). The Business of Less: The Role of Companies and Households on a Planet in Peril. Routledge.

Teaching Methodology
Discussion, lecture, group wok, problem-based learning, case study

ECTS Credits
7,5 ECTS

2nd Semester - Social Humanities

Examination methodology
Project assignment, oral presentation, written examination

Circular economy is an important part of sustainability. By studying the course material, students acquire economic and management knowledge on the circular economy in different levels, such as company, industry, and country. They learn to perceive principles of circular business models and operation conditions, the performance and reporting of circular business. By analyzing real cases students learn to assess impact of the circular economy to the economic system, formulate and evaluate strategies on how to promote circular economy and contribute to sustainability progress.

Existing but revised
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